A Scottish Farewell

by Steven Craig

Will ye no come back again
To those that knew and loved ya
Whose blood they gave
Whose arms embraced ya

Will ye no come back this way again
As you stand on the sun stained rise of rock
Black and cold against the snowy mountains
Arm raise in loyal salute of clear eye and knowledge

As all who ever knew ya march by
Flags unfurled, bold braid in the bright light of day
Battle standards and badges press the drummers
The beat is for the pipes to follow

The mountains and vales echo their pleading for yet one more day
As each year parades, visible for that one last moment
What a dream, or was it life awake sword in hand
What a day of peace or was it battles victory on the hill crest

You know each face, breaking a smile
Knowing that here is all that made your life so very special
Filing past saying their permanent farewells
Gone too soon down the cobbles, never to be seen again.

Or will it be you who leaves them, standing in gauntlet of embraces and handholds
It is always said you that made their life worthwhile,
Now you know who it was that made yours transcend into tomorrow
And still they march by, cheering and waving the signs of a life’s victory

Slowly your gaze turns to the far distance mountains
Their sober presence spiked by the fresh final snow of the day you depart
Up into their embrace you will wander and fade
Leaving the loyal parade to a final salute, a final cheer, a final breath

A Final tear.


Ye shall no come back this way again.


Posted on 10/13/2017
Copyright © 2024 Steven Craig

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