
Coeur d'Guerre

by Leonard M Hawkes

He came in a red chariot, a son of Ares,
He, himself, a god of war;
And I met him there beside the water,
A condescension--I his accomplice
In self-defeat.

Ah, but it was beautiful,
That godly power willfully unleashed,
Near satyr-like in passion,
Yet, on his brow that purity of youth.

Oh, this shore, this shimmering
Slippery slope with footing so unsure;
This edge where wealth is loss,
And where as we descend, we feel we are
Falling upward into heaven.


Author's Note: Title poem (?) free sonnet, for "Piery's Shore"

Posted on 08/11/2017
Copyright © 2024 Leonard M Hawkes

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