
Morning Song

by Leonard M Hawkes

Two common chords:
The mountain, ourselves,
And the morning lends
Music to both:
Freshness and warmth,
Brightness and shade,
Concealed, and yet
Bare to the sky.

High spirit sings,
Verses reverberate,
From woodland, from crag,
And from meadow:
The wild, the bright, bloom,
The dark, solemn, sigh,
All rising to one
Mighty chorus.

Alleluia, Amen,
Alleluia, Amen,
As souls harmonize
In the open;
Alleluia, Amen,
Alleluia, Amen,
In the glory
Of nature as Men.


Author's Note: Early morning near Tony Grove, Logan Canyon, Utah.

Posted on 07/18/2017
Copyright © 2024 Leonard M Hawkes

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