Stoned Ramblings by Thomas K. HuntI lost myself for a minute
For a moment there, I wasn't in my mind
A hit of good weed will make it happen every time
I rode to the other side, but there was no place to hide
So I came back for another hit
I was ready for another ride
All you need is two or three tokes
With the shit I smoke, it's no joke
Sometimes just one does it for me
Other times it's around three
All this life inside of me drifts through my mind
I'm the only one that's done the time
Fragments lost, never to be found
Those were the fragments I couldn't hold down
Loving bonds that will never be broken
Let me say something, and you keep toking
I'm so glad we had this time
Have another hit and open up your mind
Remember how we used to feel
Cruising the back roads behind the wheel
Hitting one right after another
Lost in the fun found in each other
Those were the days when we learned how
I know a few that still do it now
I'm one of them, and I'm proud
Oop's did I just say that out loud?
It's only for the fun
I'm not hurting anyone
I take a toke, and it relaxes me
I'm totally relaxed after number three
So, sit back and take a ride with me
You don't have to leave, and the ride is free
Just pass this back to me, and then you'll see
One or two hits is all you need
You'll know right then that every word was true
because your first time you couldn't get past two
Wait a minute, and then you'll see you won't even need number three
I'm so glad we shared this time
You shared your weed, and I shared mine
We got ourselves feeling just right
There's a new hitting record that was set tonight
We got lost in the fun; said good morning to the sun
And greeted the brand new day
Memory traces that will never fade away
Some slipped through my fingers with nothing to say
Adding and subtracting from who I am today
I've got news for you; I'm right here right now
I'm good with two, but three no way no how
Oh, what the hell, I'll go for three
There's no way it's going to kill me
I'll be smiling with a little slant to my eyes
I no longer have to wear a disguise
Three's my limit; there's no need for four
Oh, what the hell lets hit it some more
Damn!, this weed is fine
It's what I smoke all the time
When I get low, I pay out the cash
A smiling face hands me another stash
This is just one of those nights
I took a hit more than twice
I sat down and started to write
This is what fell out this particular night
Is there a meaning in this rhyme?
Don't ask me I don't have a clue
I just drifted off to another time
Think what you want; it's all up to you
06/25/2017 Posted on 06/25/2017 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt