Empty Shell by Thomas K. HuntI'm sitting right here but my mind is way over there
It's only my empty shell in this rocking chair
My mind is gone
It's miles away
It's been gone so long
I've lost count of the days
My soul was blessed by a river bed
surrounded by islands
Thousands of them
That's the place where I'll be found
Resting on her banks in my hometown
My heart is back in the lost and found
with my mind in that same small town
They get together and hang around
One's pretty quiet and the other's a clown
When it comes down to the end
Toss me in the river
Would you please my friend?
Out in the channel, it's the perfect place
Throw me in with a smile on your face
I wish I could follow my mind
Reclaim my heart, get everything combined
I'd finally have my peace of mind
I'd be smiling all of the time
I've always thought it a shame
watching time just fade away
It's gone forever
You can count on that
It's lost to the ages
It's never coming back
You're alone inside your head
You always will be until you're dead
You need your heart to survive
You need your mind and soul, everything inside
but try to leave something good behind
The farther you go you get to leave more signs
I'm right over here
I can see myself there
You'll finally realize it but you may have to stare
Finally surrounded by all the caring hearts
joined together from the finish back to start
For all the moments of smiles and tears
All the moments missed throughout the years
Through them all I've missed the ones that cared
So many moments that should have been shared
Lost to the ages of what could have been there
is this empty shell in this rocking chair 05/20/2017 Posted on 05/20/2017 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt