I'm Not Ready by Thomas K. HuntFather Time is no friend of mine
Right now, he's knocking at my door
He's not invited
That's the knock I'm going to ignore
He's way ahead of schedule
This wasn't part of the plan
Clear a path to the back door
I'm not ready for this man
Father Time, stay away from me
Walk on by just let me be
I'll meet you down the road some time
I hope by then I've lost my mind
Right now, we'll go our separate ways
I hope never to see you on another day
Father Time, step away from my door
I want to see your face no more
Listen to me, old man time
You were never a friend of mine
I've seen what you can do
I believe it's all true
Father Time, you're not wanted here
Is that you hiding in the mirror?
Sometimes I only see you
That's something I don't want to do
You're not invited. I never asked you here
I'd never ask you in and offer you a beer
Father Time, keep away from my door
Don't you come around here anymore
I know the day will come when I can no longer run
but until that day comes, I'm going to live, love, and have fun
So let me tell you, Father Time, you've got plenty of time
Go wonder off and leave
I'll see you down the road, and that I do believe
Right now stay away from me
Walk on by, just let me be
I'll see you down the road
I'm not ready to start feeling old
04/01/2017 Posted on 04/01/2017 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt