Father Time by Thomas K. HuntFather Time paid me a visit
An uninvited knock at my door
I tried not to answer it
It just couldn't be ignored
I just cracked the door a sliver
He came creeping in
Slithered up to me wearing a shit-eating grin
He said, "I've been watching you from the beginning.
I'm moving in my friend"
Father Time's no friend of mine
He's just here spending my time
He's had his fun, and now he thinks I'm done
Well, I've got news for him
He's never going to be my friend
He's with me all the time
He just moved right in
He knows every thought I know
He just won't let go
The old man has a very strong will
Waiting to drag me down this hill
I'm sure he'd laugh his ass off if I took a spill
I go where he goes now, and I always will
He started a young man at the beginning of the road
Remembering everything he was ever told
A bright man full of promise stepping into time
Choosing only for him with no troubles on the mind
When he fell from the nest for the very first time
He felt the breeze lift him, and it blew his mind
He looked to the left and turned to the right
Fell in love with the freedom of the night
Before another time
Before Father Time
Years remembered faded away
Back in the day is just another cliche
Father Times's no friend of mine, and he'll never be
He's just here every night with me
I should never have opened up that door
Before Father Time, there was so much more
He's just here to rob me
He loves to steal my time
He should be a friend to no one
Father Time's no friend of mine
If he comes knocking, don't answer the door
Take it from someone who's been there before
Add another locke
Bolt your windows down tight
Let him pass by and try for another night
When he knocks, just turn down your sound
No one wants Father Time around
02/25/2017 Posted on 02/25/2017 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt