Does he? by Joy SyDoes he make you glow like she does
Or smile that wide-ass grin
Or giggle like a child
Eating her favorite thing?
Does the world fade away
when he is around?
When you can't stop talking
because you need to hear the sound
... of his laughter
... his chortle
that infectious delightful chuckle
Does he make you want to watch
every nuance of his face
as he speaks or deliberates?
Do you seek out his eyes?
...across the seat
...across the room
...across space
When he holds your hand
does it feel ....
...almost as intimate as a kiss?
Does his scent or heartbeat
fill your senses
with warmth...
feelings of being home?
When you look into the future
With him by your side
Will it be filled with
unpredicatable joyous surprises...
ardent fights...
fervent passionate nights?
If not.... Have you ever asked yourself
09/11/2015 Posted on 09/11/2015 Copyright © 2025 Joy Sy