
If Only You’d Found (me when i was) a Child

by Alison McKenzie

But, I was never a child,
Never small enough 
To be a child,
Ever caring for those in my circle,
Littles and Bigs.

I was never the girl cowering
From bruising hands
Nor weapon’d tongues.

I was the 3 yr old
Cowabunga girl,
Slaying the monsters
And protecting the littles.

I was the 6 yr old 
Brave girl
Babysitting mother’s children
In the black of those
Dead nights
With the front door wide open.

I was the 8 year old 
Wisened girl,
Saying no to daddy’s hands,
Daddy’s needs.

I was the 13 yr old
Defiant girl
Choked on the stairs
For taking the littles 
Off the wall,
The punishment 
Never fitting the crime.

I am still the never-child, 
Ever nurturing those in my circle,
Whatever their size,
Always, all ways
Protecting the littles.

Oh, but if only you’d found me,
Invisible Lilliputian 


Posted on 03/19/2015
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

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