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by Jody Pratt

In wakeful dreams I see
countlessness and shadows made of light
dancing behind endlessness. Colored glass
changing shapes, changing colors with the
change of noise; as space folds in on itself,
and leaves every shade of light shatterd,
like a broken mirror on God's floor looking
back on her. But I am a piece of the glass,
reflecting off every wall in a mirror jungle
and God's voice, speaking in tongues
I've never known but fully understand.
Without sound or lip they convey the meaning
of existence. It is so simple, yet the many
intertwining complexities flabergast me
and I am left in utter awe and complete
acceptance of whatever must come,
whatever must be done. It is all going to happen
with a roll of the dice and a little luck.

In infinity I see it all with my minds eye;
for my eyes could never hope to contain
the beauty of the entire cosmos looked upon
in a fraction of a second; and all the things
beyond that I see for the following minutes.
It comes in waves - magnificance. As if nature
knows we are incapable of such epic visions
and knowledge for sustained intervals.

We, Humanity, are so very small, but witness to
such extravagance. So seemingly insignificant,
yet part of something, everything, that is so
utterly, incomprehensibly divine. Our view
of existance and the Universe, is so dire.
We see space as empty blackness, where it is
filled with light. We understand realty as laws
of mathematics and physics, where these things
only exist on the most basic plane. We are
the two-dimensional Flatlanders of the
Universe; microbes, the basic building blocks
of life - true life; that of which is connected
to realms beyond comprehension.

True inner awareness, consciousness
and subconsciousness connecting to the heart of
the Universe; these are our souls, who hide
knowledge from our minds so that we may find
new ways to grow.


Posted on 03/10/2015
Copyright © 2024 Jody Pratt

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