Zoscha by Rachel JohnsonMy heart is bursting with affection
for this tiny, fury thing.
My little gruff companion,
all toes and tail,
all tongue and teeth.
It seems silly to compare
the love I have for this thing
to the love of a mother, cradling
her child. For surely this love pales
in comparison to the intensity
felt by a woman
having given birth.
But, compare I do, for she is
my newborn, my sweet baby girl.
Since I saw her face and rushed
to the shelter to take her home.
Since I first held her against me
and couldn’t think of letting go.
She is always a step behind
(or a step ahead, depending),
and I promised her it would always be
“just you and me.”
Sometimes I wonder if a heart like mine
could ever feel this for a human child.
Could ever want to. 05/15/2014 Posted on 05/17/2014 Copyright © 2025 Rachel Johnson