Good,Evil,the Will by Johnny CrimsonAnd what of the will?
For is it not will
that preludes judgment?
Is it not the very essence
of attempting to surmise the will
or understand the will
or dissect the will
to in fact enforce law?
And what of law?
Does it exist in nature?
For at it's core, law
exists not.
Law boils down to mythology
in the natural order of things.
Unless in happenstance
we are discussing Darwinist order
of more tangible, small, calculated judgments.
Yet, are they not merely manufactured?
I surmise so, though this industrious method is an acceptable alternative
to the current philosophic state of defending prior ethos.
Yet will remains,
enforceable, yet not tangible,
though it is spoken as such,
and written as such.
Is not the duality of will
To borrow from Nietzsche;
will carries within it, two parties in one.
The enforcer of the will,
he who believes this unnatural order of things,
yet is he not also the victim of these principles
which he holds so justly and righteous and stoic?
I propose these thoughts
to further the discussion of the nature of will
or unnatural existence of will
as it blindly creates essence
where no essence exists, and why?
This is where Nietzsche ends,
not due to any lack of observation on his part
but for the simple reason that,
to philosophize is to further.
And so I will.
We create the unnatural to connect to the natural,
it is our ironic coping method, our strategy of existence,
the order which we deem natural and freeing
does quite the opposite in fact.
We are all but chained to will,
when it's essence should be to free us from
the vulgar constraints of even thought itself.
Much interpretation must exist for content, fluff,
and mere conversation, however,
are we not simply creating topics which we've deemed
important based on previous measures, markers, and constructs of law?
Can it not be summarized then,
that nothing philosophized in the subjects of will
are truth?
As truth cannot be derived from pre-conceived methodologies,
so cannot truth exist in will as its synthetic nature
compels it to abide by human "laws".
I digress.
Posted on 05/06/2014 Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson