La Befana by Peter Humphreysthe bambini
jump up and down
with excitement
as the dusk
sets in earlier
than is decent
the spell of the witch
descends upon the stalls
of Piazza Navona
the lights defy
the darkness of
the challenge
hand-made brooms
and flying broom sticks
whirl in the breeze
that has arisen
Befana is back
and the solstice
is soon to come
who is that
asks her daughter
Mamma says a witch
what is a witch
someone who flies
on a broomstick
are you a witch, Mamma
no ... no was her reply
Pappa grunted
quietly 12/12/2013
Author's Note: Piazza Navona in central Rome is the site of a popular market each year between Christmas and the Epiphany, where toys, sugar charcoal and other candies are on sale. Tongue in cheek, Romans believe that at the midnight January 6 the Befana shows herself from a window of Piazza Navona and they always go there to watch her
Posted on 12/12/2013 Copyright © 2024 Peter Humphreys