Red.D. by D. Xavier BariProphet warned -
your bits were too plentiful,
all those years ago (though not so long)
your bytes were too meaningful
to display them so freely
at the Altar of Tomorrow
and Commerce.
Profit scorned -
as the adopters and their adopted
crashed into the sea (though not so deep)
seeking out bountiful answers,
linked to questions they never asked
and needs they never had,
congress in hand, eye &
I Understand.
Proff'd mourned -
digital gingerbread fed to the
gleaming masses (though not so sleek)
reflecting illusions upon ourselves,
swirling cookies and soylent cream
of virtually composting viscera,
slathered on soiled axon sheets
bearing googol threaded counts
and sedimented splash of SEO.
It smells like bleech (though not so clean)
but still we lap it up.
Shatterbrained slaves,
realizing far too late
we've forged our own chains.
Happy Graduation!
Life lesions completed,
six degrees conferred
with tuition paid in cache. 10/22/2013 Posted on 10/22/2013 Copyright © 2025 D. Xavier Bari