That Perfect Place And Time by Dan KastenOne never knows when finding the headwaters of one’s soul
where, in fact, natural selection took God’s hand and
pushed aside those daily frictions cementing soil to stone
God speaks to me each day in the streams and brooks
tentacled into some multi-dimensional fabric
woven through strong chemistry and architecture
I stopped challenging and channeling years ago
forces that in my younger days were bolstered
by arrogance and height in acumen
softened by more beautiful times I cry now
for a simple reprieve captured in the faces of children and lovers
who do not know enough about life to feel the disappointments
of paths checked into place by nature soon to be understood
as I stand here with awe of such beauty with the smell of pine
and a deep burn on my cheeks, the most beautiful of all is your hand in mine
as I ask you if this is to be can right now be
that perfect place and time to release the stone.
07/31/2013 Posted on 08/07/2013 Copyright © 2025 Dan Kasten