the breakout by Carl WalkerDid you hear about the breakout
At Mike’s mouth?
Words escaped that cannot be recaptured
Where was the guard?
The guard lost his ability to watch his mouth
Because he was occupied somewhere else.
The Guard got involved talking
Politics and religion
And being right became more important than
Watching his mouth
Which is the same thing
As his beliefs became more important than
The feelings of others
That’s when the words escaped
So, what happens now?
He’s placing himself under mouth arrest
So he can remember that his beliefs
Are never more important than
Others feelings
It doesn’t mean he’ll never say
Words on purpose that piss people off
It does mean
He’s seeking a heart
That uses words to serve others
Rather than words to serve
The idols of his own heart.
05/09/2013 Author's Note: an idol of the heart is something my heart seeks to find life in that cannot give life. I want to find life in being listened to but being listened to cannot give life but it can block me from finding what can give life. Therefore: an idol of the heart. Not that "wanting" to be listened to is bad, its a thing of degree perhaps.
Posted on 05/09/2013 Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 12/24/13 at 07:06 PM One has to be aware that words can either help or harm. Scripture teaches that "out of the heart" the mouth speaks. Maybe it is the heart that needs guarding? What do you think. Good to read your poetry again. |