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The Weekend Boyfriend

by Dorian Black

- Monday -

My sheets still have your scent tied to them. I flip though the conversation we had last night like a comic book in my head. Still frames and caption bubbles just don't do it any justice. I lick my lips, hoping to taste any remnants of your last kiss; I'm in luck. You left me a care package in the corner of my mouth.

- Tuesday -

The clock is taunting me with every passing, hour-long-second. So I try to stay busy at work, filling my head instead with checklists and paper filing. Anything, really, just to keep me from thinking about you.

- Wednesday -

I sent you flowers today to see if lillies would coax you into returning my text messages. I've run out of resources to keep me from missing you, and the way that your touch acts as a stopgag for my sanity.

- Thursday -

I regret, now, ever taking think English course, because like a good addict I'm well aware of my enablers, but like a good addict, I do it anyways. "I finally figured out why Romeo killed himself." I tell my professor and when he asks me, "Why?" I reply with a crooked weak walled smile, and say ," I'll tell you tomorrow."

- Friday -

The anticipation is more than I needed it to be, because if you ever saw me this way I'm sure that you'd run away. Some people just weren't meant to live this way. I have fallen victim to Schrödinger's cat, and Occam's razor just wasn't enough to kill it outright, so you have me feeling dead, and thinking I'm alive. You told me once that you'd never leave me, but honestly at this point I'm begging you to let me out of your box.

- Saturday & Sunday -

You're back! I'm so excited to see you! Hurry, stain my lips and sheets with your memory before I stop thinking that this was worth it!


Posted on 01/27/2013
Copyright © 2025 Dorian Black

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Steve Michaels on 02/01/13 at 02:23 AM

" a care package in the corner of my mouth." Love that!

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