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by Johanna May

I remember an afternoon made hazy,
as a rule I do not take anything
that messes my neurons, you are substance enough
but that afternoon, purple taste,
with no haste. You followed my sleepy footsteps,
climbed my dazed sleepiness,
so all I felt was mouth, skin, being opened,
silt like the sea, slippery, wet algae hair stuck on cheeks,
seeded the sea,
we followed the waves, we hear outside our window
bit the edges of possible realms,
pierced, my mind was quiet
but there was liquid rage.
where we clasp, all-amphibious-sleek,
My mind weeded, envision seals,
I stopped being sorry for sea creatures,
after climbing their love skin
one purple hazy afternoon.
I realized that fishes swoon.


Author's Note: White Rock

Posted on 01/11/2013
Copyright © 2024 Johanna May

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