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why he thrives

by Johanna May

-his first words to her was come out and play
-he read the mystery of her age from her face
-he never asked her which way
-or why she is un-why-able
-and knew she’s a what is it
-he is not afraid of razor-teeth
-they fight about silly, and laugh seriously
-he lets her sulk and sit and seethe
-he cannot keep away even while on her moon
-the things he does that make her swoon
-there is a part of her that hates him, he loves
-there is a part of her that loves him, he hates
-while a part of her breaks him, he knew
-another part shall save him.
-he waits


Author's Note: wumpy xxxx

Posted on 01/07/2013
Copyright © 2024 Johanna May

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