A New Year- A New Chapter by Joan Serratelli
Another year
gone by
This might be
the year
I go back
to school
and get my
I have no idea
how many credits
I have
for all I know
I’ll have to start at
the beginng again
It doesn’t matter
to anyone but me
I need to fill my time
doing something
I am going
outside my
comfort zone
but it’s better
than sitting
in a house
which I now
truely loothe
I’m sure the bus
goes there
I’ll have to call
and make sure
They offer courses
I can take
during the hours
I can go
I was so young when
I attended
University of North Carolina
I want to go back to school
I need to feel like
a real person
with a purpose
There is more to life
than these
4 walls
Author's Note: Never finished college- Really want to go back
Posted on 01/01/2013 Copyright © 2025 Joan Serratelli