
Hey, Kid...

by Maria Francesca

Hey, Kid -
yeah, you with the horror-movie screaming.
I guess your mother won't buy you that toy you want
or that candy bar
or cookie
or whatever.

Maybe she won't let you
run up and down the aisles
or ride in the shopping cart
or some such.

The point is
the screaming has to stop.

I mean, really -
what's wrong with you, anyway?!

Are you behind on your taxes?
getting old?
going bald?


Did your car break down?
Did you get fired?
Did you get dumped?


Did you get a load of the price of gas these days?


Did you have to deal
with an unreasonable, demanding,
and obnoxiously loud little brat
while you were trying to get your shopping done?


Then how 'bout you just shut your little self up then, huh?

Really -
Just close that tiny little trap, now,
'cause I'm pretty sure it's still illegal for me
to shut it for you.

But on the off chance it's not...


Posted on 12/10/2012
Copyright © 2024 Maria Francesca

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 12/10/12 at 01:14 PM

I love this lady!!! And I can almost, well not really, take the screaming. What I can't stand are the parents, who once the kid stops screaming and just wants to run, let them run throught the store/mall picking things up one place and putting them down somewhere else, hidding amongs the clothes hanging on racks, etc. Reall great write lady. Hope you are having a better holiday season or if not that it improves!!

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