The Feeling of Feeling by Jeffrey ParrenI'm not quite sure what will bring me back.
I've been lost for longer than I can count
and the feeling of feeling is no longer felt.
Mesmerized by television, by video games,
by anything to help me stop. Thinking.
Sensitivity overload, the amp is blown.
A silent Nirvana concert but while the band rocks
the audience just stands motionless.
I read my poetry out loud a few weeks ago,
and although invited, I haven't gone back.
Rubbish to my eyes, rubbish to their ears,
there is no need for simultaneous torture
on a bright Saturday afternoon.
Becoming numb(er), I progressively wonder
when the next time is I will cry a good cry.
Progressive regression.
I'm becoming someone I never was,
maybe that's a good thing.
In the end, it all means nothing. 11/27/2012 Posted on 11/28/2012 Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Parren