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"I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small."

by Angie Jenkins

Sometimes I wonder what age or income level
you have to be at in order to
“live life to the fullest.”
So far, redeeming Wal-Mart coupons and munching on
Campbell’s soup seems to be the best I can do
in that department.
Shouldn’t I be more? Have more? Experience more?

And yet, isn’t that the American way?
To have more than most yet complain more than everyone
Until something adequate falls in our laps?

Perhaps the thrill of a beloved magazine subscription
arriving or the sinfully sweet taste of
chocolate cake or even the
temporary squeeze of a child’s hand
around your finger to remind you that
you’re not alone
Is enough to
To experience life.

Still...the BMW would be nice.


Posted on 09/27/2012
Copyright © 2025 Angie Jenkins

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Jody Pratt on 09/28/12 at 03:18 AM

I don't know if you got my pm. Thank you for the kind words, and to sum up my response, you keep writing and I'll keep reading cuz us single people have to stick together haha. Now, in regards to this poem: To live life to the fullest you must not wait for another age - live your life now, not for tomorrow but for today. Income? The richest lives are those that understand money and material things do not equate to any real happiness - moments that make you laugh until you cry, friends that smile when they know what you're thinking without you saying a word, a lovers breath on the back of your neck in the middle of the night; this is what life is all about. Take it from someone that drives a BMW, that is not where happiness is found (I'm trading out for a Corolla on Monday). Count your blessings: health, talent and beauty, and I'm sure that's just a start. :)

Posted by Christel Crews on 09/28/12 at 03:54 AM

love it! i think you have captured the irony that we truly are blessed and have so much but there is always something missing in our lives and its better to find contentment in the simplicity of the quiet lives we lead then to keep reaching for that next season, next job, next wish to come try before finding happiness. thank you, this piece left me with a smile on my face but also pushed me to take a look within. thank you!

Posted by George Hoerner on 09/28/12 at 03:17 PM

And you can see all the starving people in the world on TV but it is nothing like being there or running from exploding shells or bullets aimed at you. We Americans have spoiled ourselves for decades. As the richest nation in the world we do have some responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves both at home and abroad. Nice write lady.

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