Trouble by Jeffrey ParrenWhat is it about trouble
that is so enticing?
There's a certain liveliness
that originates
from doing the wrong thing.
Bukowski existed
vicariously through
booze, brawls, horses,
and of course, females.
There is a mess of trouble
entertained through all those,
and yet, he found life through them.
Blood coursing
heart rate increased
the overall value of his life
was defined by bad experiences.
In an odd way
pain reminds you
that you're alive.
The static living
a life of good intention
is what is to be feared.
Forgetting what it is
to be happy
if happy is all that is known.
The ratio
of bad to good
is high.
Doesn't it make sense
that bad
makes one feel more alive?
Get in trouble with me. 09/14/2012 Posted on 09/14/2012 Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Parren