Powder Blue with Chrome by A.M. Demarcored light reflections
splinter all over my field of vision
solar flares from the great beyond erupting
propelling electronic stopgaps in communication
temporary static jamming all frequencies
split second terror dragged out over a bed of broken glass
maybe it finally happened
maybe I just broke my brain
but it passes, as all the horrors do
left with the rubble to reconstruct
thoughts are still processing
red is still an octagon
I could even recite the alphabet, if required by a court of law
so one foot rolls over the other
in smooth, cylindrical fashion
each push an exercise in free choice;
balance and flowing lines as self-definition
exorcism of all the crap that came before
love found me there
exhausted from transmuting ideals into practice
all sweaty and afraid
love found me
08/28/2012 Posted on 08/28/2012 Copyright © 2025 A.M. Demarco