

by Aaron Blair

I crawled naked
through the fires of redemption
and I felt nothing.
I felt nothing,
with blood running down my arms,
and tears carving canyons
through what was left of my baby face.
The river ran through me
the same way the blade ran me through.
We wrapped our hands around
each others’ throats,
and together, we felt nothing,
but, for a moment, nothing we had ever felt,
had ever made us so alive.


Posted on 07/09/2012
Copyright © 2024 Aaron Blair

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 07/09/12 at 12:48 PM

I hope it really isn't this bad, for nothing can make one hurt more than face to face communication of hate. It brings out all the old hurts, slurs, hidden misgivings. etc. But this is still a very good write!

Posted by Jim Benz on 07/09/12 at 07:45 PM

Ahh, the meaning of life. Here's to running naked through the fires of redemption ...

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 07/11/12 at 10:13 PM

Amazing what we do to get by. Fantastic.

Posted by Cassandra Leigh on 07/12/12 at 01:54 AM

I really love the repetition and inversions in this--i.e. "i felt nothing", and then "ran through me" and "ran me through"-- great rhythm and motion, mirrors the paradox in the subject matter.

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