
Simplicity, part 2

by Richard Vince

Hers is a beauty that is uncomplicated;
Uncluttered somehow, as though there is
Nothing to obscure the purity of her soul.

Her clothes are always the same, so
She always looks like her.
Her gentle smile is a pleasing
Constant in my unpredictable morning.

In a world where simple things are
So often derided as boring, she is
Welcome proof of the futility of
Seeking ever greater complexity.

Over the years of my life so far,
I have been conditioned to remain
Unmoved by the everyday;
To ignore the ordinary as
Unworthy of attention.

Lately, I have realised that
Closing my eyes to so much has
Starved my heart and soul of
Much of the beauty of the world.

Sometimes, I remember to look, but
Sometimes I simply forget.

How I wish it was something automatic;
How I wish that I could breathe beauty,
And feel my soul overflowing
With wonder.


Posted on 05/05/2012
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 05/06/12 at 06:52 PM

But now that is the crux, is it not? The more we look for beauty, the more we loose what is right in front of us. One must turn quickly to catch ones shadow. It is as if we are farsighted and unable to see what has been there all the time. Nice write Richard.

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