It'll take more than an icepick to rid me of your cancer. by Dorian BlackI sacrificed a slice of my heart
When we made love to the night,
to give you a piece of my mind;
To make salvation scream.
I wake up every morning,
hung over from your scent,
with the blood of last night
dripping from my fingertips.
I've murdered my muse before,
to save the queen of hearts.
Now again I'm knife in hand,
but tonight I've no regrets.
Your memory was the poison
that I would toast with every night.
I'm armed with these orbitoclasts
to lobotomize you from my mind.
05/01/2012 Author's Note: I'm looking for some constructive critiques to polish this piece.
Posted on 05/01/2012 Copyright © 2025 Dorian Black