
We Are Earth

by Alison McKenzie

It’s been a long time since I could “see” a future for myself. And since I’m absent, so then the rest of this realm would also seem to be.

I am only one set of eyes, and my aura only extends so far. When I can’t see any of it, who’s to say there is or is not solid matter that follows?

I feel urgency in the air around me, along the banks of every ocean, in the crevices of every mountain, in the stratosphere, and beyond;

That sense of being watched.

I feel love, pure and non-gendered, free of romance and yet full of it in the same breath. It’s just around some unexpected corner, and


Going to



So ripe for the last of the birthing pangs.

I feel the mercy of the Almighty One, that being from whom we’ve imagined ourselves separate, through the misunderstanding of our physical forms.

When emergence is complete, all truth will be known, and every veil shall lift.

It is as simple as


It is as complex as

Balancing all of these forces on the head of a pin

And naming it



Posted on 04/11/2012
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 04/12/12 at 12:16 AM

Something I read some where said that nothing is really solid. It is all an illusion, all the way down to and including the atom. Many scientists and philosophers alike seem to be heading toward the conclusion that even time is an illusion. But still an interesting write.

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