Sizemore Junior High by Dan LinnAt Sizemore Junior high school
on teacher confrontation day
she marveled at the cleanliness
and watched the children play.
Newly to the parent game,
she tried to score the card
on educational customer service
to respond in her child's regard.
Schools were all made corporate.
Now she is in control.
That was what they told her,
she is in the control role.
If it wasn't for the Sizemore,
and his mad campaign,
we'd still be taking orders
from those who had the brains.
For first they broke the trust
between parent and educator,
then education for all.
Hail, Sizemore the dictator
08/02/2011 Author's Note: There is a right wing state proposition promoter whose strongest adversary and moral enemy is our state teacher's union. The damage he has done is so much greater than the dubious reward of proving him a liar.
Posted on 04/03/2012 Copyright © 2025 Dan Linn