Reclamation by Alison McKenzieI wait, hushed
While my feet wiggle
In the eastern soil.
No, it’s not the moors.
But the grass is sweet,
And the air is bursting
With an unusually early Spring;
The daffodils peek,
The birds cautiously sing,
And the bees, woken
From their winter lull,
Drunk-buzz by
Looking for that first nectar.
I don’t feel shipwrecked here,
Though I am saved every day,
As if I might tumble,
Head long,
Off some unbidden cliff;
Surrounded by the safety of love
It’s not a replacement
For the dreams
In which I’d invested
My every tomorrow,
Which were somehow reclaimed
By the sturdiest arms
I’ve ever known.
A new hope is born,
Shines through
The stained glass window
Of our history’d home,
Tasting sweet as dew
On every summoned sunrise.
03/20/2012 Posted on 03/20/2012 Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie