
Rerouting the Journey

by Alison McKenzie

My eyes adjust
To the fading in and out
Of destinations negated
By too much time
And too many miles between

I relinquish my grip on tomorrow,
Ponder in that hushed forest
Of potential,
Remind myself that
All is -
Exactly as it should be.

A new path blazes,
Forms a junction,
Points to another future.

I gather the vestiges,
And set my walking stick to earth,
My steps measured
By a dream made solid
In love.


Author's Note: still purging...

Posted on 12/29/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 12/29/11 at 02:23 AM

Beautiful Alison. Not as eloquent as these thoughts I share, in appreciation of you insight: Times go by turns, and chances change by course, From foul to fair, from better hap to worse. The sea of Fortune does not ever flow, She draws her favors to the lowest ebb; Her tides have equal times to come and go, Her loom doth weave the fine and coarsest web best always, G

Posted by Joe Cramer on 12/29/11 at 01:50 PM

... excellent, as always.....

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