

by Alison McKenzie

I enter the dark
Of that endless
Somber tunnel,
Deliriously delicious.

Rain bounces off
Subatomic particles -
Ice in my veins.

I’m so grateful
To be alive.

It stings,
But it moves me.


Posted on 12/20/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mo Couts on 12/20/11 at 01:17 AM

Sometimes the stinging is what pushes us forward...beautifully done <3.

Posted by Lori Blair on 12/20/11 at 02:22 AM

To sting is to feel alive..and to live is indeed to move..Wonderful!!!

Posted by George Hoerner on 12/20/11 at 10:10 PM

Didn't 'Big Daddy' say "it's OK if I hurt because I know that way I'm still alive. Good write lady.

Posted by Joe Cramer on 12/21/11 at 12:17 PM

... an excellent write.....

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