
(I Thought I Was) Rid of You. Period.

by Alison McKenzie

It’s been months since I felt you,
My everlong companion
Since I was barely in
My double-digit years.

I can’t say I welcome your return.

After you left,
I wore relief like a stoic satisfaction;
Wisdom dangled from my ears
On medium hoops;
I even started to think about
Making love without you.

It is most unpleasant
To find you pounding on my door
At four o’clock in the morning,
Refusing to let up;
Making me get out of bed
To answer your insistent call,
Bringing the old, familiar ache
As you strolled back into my life
As if you’d never been gone at all.

Please, for the sake of my sanity,
Don’t tarry here.
I haven’t missed the hurt you caused;
In fact, I don’t miss you, at all,
Though I must admit,
I do sometimes grieve for the possibilities lost,
The child I might have carried
Despite your ravaging attacks.
It was worth it, if only for that.


Author's Note: Guess my womb is not yet entirely convinced that there will be no more babies, ever. *sigh*

Posted on 10/01/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mo Couts on 10/03/11 at 12:55 AM

You took a commonplace happenstance, used your words like magic puzzle pieces and created an ethereal journey towards this leg of your human experience. Damn.

Posted by Lori Blair on 10/12/11 at 08:27 PM

So many strong emotions expressed within this one and I sure can relate..funny how they think that after all the pain we would suddenly be available for them when they decide to show up!

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