
Pallid Loam

by Alison McKenzie

In this quiet,
Rattling bones laid to soil,
Turn to meal and mend
Hearts bled long before.

An open window
Whispers “I promise, promise…”
While skin falters,
Feeds the mites,
Brittle hair crisping
In a thick summer sun.

It’s no wonder
The meadow larks flit,
Bounce across their breeze laden routes
In serious tempos meant
To rouse a sleepy soul.

I always come back to this,
Your voice sent through
Filigreed lattice
Into the one place
I have left –

This soil of stilled bones,
Quieted on the moon
Of dusky mornings,
Thick with fog and frost.


Posted on 08/10/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 08/11/11 at 12:02 AM

...a dimension of grayness that i can warm to; you descibe the indescribable. i hear your murmuring voice, tho i ne'er...you make a bed for me to lie in. great words, girl!

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