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by Ariane Scott

Behind my house is a row of trees
dependably green.

Through a break in the lush I watch a small girl
in a pink patterened shirt

skipping steps
down a wooden deck.

Through the grape vines to my left
a woman walks in a loose blue dress,
she is dragging things, buckets, mulch, a wagon.

I call to her, I say, I see the breeze
blow the trees inside your dress.

I know what you mean, she says,
there are hours before night but the moon
already seems to light your eyes.

I stare at her for days.

My husband comes from the side door,
catches me flicking ashes on my thighs.

This one is dangerous, he says of a spider
running up my chair.

He battles it.

Beyond the trees the little girl falls.
Her cries fill my breasts.

Through the vines the woman
wipes a dirty arm
across her brow.


Author's Note: 2005.

Posted on 08/10/2011
Copyright © 2024 Ariane Scott

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Richard Vince on 08/11/11 at 07:08 PM

such a beautiful, atmospheric poem. i love poetry that transports me; this poem certainly does that. marvellous stuff.

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 08/11/11 at 08:58 PM

There are elements of visualization here I find tantalizing and thought-evoking..and ain't that the purpose of the best poems?

Posted by Angela Stevens on 08/15/11 at 07:08 PM

This is really lovely. Thank you. 'dependably green' - I love that.

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