
Dragons and Daisies

by Alison McKenzie

I’m on that part of the spiral,
The steep incline,
And I’m breathless with the effort.

A more difficult stretch
Will soon appear.
I remember.
I remember.

Karma comes so quick,
It knocks the wind out of me.

But I know that after,
There is cool, green grass
Not much further;
I hear the blades rustle in the breeze -
Only a little longer to trek.

Then, I will lie down.
I will watch the clouds
Turn themselves into dragons
And daisies.
I will drift on a nameless tide ,
Snoozing through lucid dreams
And flight.


Author's Note: How many times must one person learn the same lessons? Oy.

Posted on 07/28/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mo Couts on 07/28/11 at 11:19 AM

A person keeps learning the same lessons until the Creator's decided we've gotten them perfectly down pat, I think. No worries; knowing you like I do and having the faith I do, I can say that I think you're *this* close to that point *hugs*

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