

by Alison McKenzie

Roses and stones
Tossed in fit of fate
Fall around me,
Chunks and feather light

This moment must end,
This one must stay,
And this one has yet to pass.

I am well-seasoned
Enough to recognize
The swift hand of Destiny,
Painting a scene
I may not understand
Until the final touches have dried
And everyone breathes
Relief at last.

This day brings
A weary magic
Oh, I know it is fae
By the Wind’s breath
Woven into my hair.
But the anguish of
All that must be forsaken
Is etched deep into
Every furrow.

Once again I walk alone,
Balance all my worth
On outstretched arms
While I walk a wire -
Dizzy waters swirl beneath me.

I keep my eye on the prize;
Faith guides every careful step.

This moment must remain
This one is an echo,
And this one is singing.


Author's Note: Changes - job ending, trying to find a new roof, packing again, feeling way too alone. If I let it sink all the way in, I'll never get rid of the puffy eyes.

Posted on 07/27/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ken Harnisch on 07/27/11 at 09:51 AM

"This moment must remain This one is an echo, And this one is singing." As does this lovely, lovely poem, all the way through. May peace and smiles play havoc with those puffy eyes.

Posted by George Hoerner on 07/27/11 at 06:00 PM

Really liked this Alison.

Posted by Mo Couts on 07/27/11 at 09:09 PM

The 2nd and last stanzas are beautifully done. Everything will be okay; promise.

Posted by A. Paige White on 07/27/11 at 11:29 PM

I really love this one Ali. We'll have to compare notes.

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