Sailing by Richard VinceIf this is the summer, then
That must be the ocean spray
Threatening to freeze my ears…
Becoming the water of life as
The wind gives it motion.
Across the world I roll,
Slowly but with purpose,
The clouds following as
The miles fall away.
Each horizon looks the same:
Blue and white above,
Blue and white below;
Clouds of spray crossing the ocean
As waves decorate the sky.
It is not to foreign climes
I travel, but tomorrow.
I explore the unknown
All around me: the roads
Less travelled through
Everyday beauty that is
Too often ignored.
The sea was to be my home
When I had none:
An antidote to a loneliness
That is long gone.
I need no longer look for
Happiness: it has found me.
01/18/2011 Posted on 06/30/2011 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince