
Wilma the Bike

by Alison McKenzie

She creaked the first time
I rode her
But seemed to settle in
To my generously padded skin
Without a grimace after.

She likes me to push her,
And she doesn’t mind
When we ride in the rain.

I can tell she’ll need
Just a touch of pamper;
But she’s glad to be with me,
Even though her last affiliation
Was very good to her,
Easy on the eyes,
And fit.

On my way to the paycheck
Is ever so slightly more of a demand
Than at the end,
When we coast on in to home base.

We’re going to have a sweet affair,
Me’n Wilma,
And I owe my gratitude
To the woman who gifted her to me


Author's Note: I got a "new to me" old bike to tide me over until I can finish paying for the new one - a hand me down from a very sweet co-worker. I am blessed and I feel so grateful!

Posted on 06/22/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mo Couts on 06/22/11 at 03:43 PM

This is adorable! It's wonderful to be so excited about something...especially when it involves someone being sweet =)!

Posted by Mo Couts on 06/22/11 at 03:43 PM

This is adorable! It's wonderful to be so excited about something...especially when it involves someone being sweet =)!

Posted by Rhiannon Jones on 06/22/11 at 03:50 PM

Oh. My. Gosh. You will think I am making this up, Alison. I got an old-fashioned aqua-and-white Schwinn beach cruiser bicycle about 3 months ago, and I named her Wilma. I am NOT kidding. I love her so much. This is too weird.

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 06/22/11 at 03:56 PM

p r e c i o u s

Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 06/22/11 at 04:56 PM

Wonderful! I miss my aqua schwinn bike that my mother gave me---it got stolen when my son left it at a friend's house. It had chrome fenders...I loved that bike! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I did mine.

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 06/22/11 at 08:27 PM

What do they say Alison? Grab life by the handle bars and just ...ride! Great tribute to a very special gift.

Posted by Katerina T Nix on 06/22/11 at 10:23 PM

I really enjoyed this piece, Alison. You really brought to life the character of the bike and your relationship with it. Well done :)

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