
Fryslân (Friesland): Day Two

by Peter Humphreys

on the moss green ditches
swirling 'cross red tiled roofs
church bells
ringing out on Pentecost
running back and forth
zig and zag
along the towpath
chasing this and that
eyeing enviously
the coots, moorhens, ducks
just out of reach
the bells awaken
the dogs
in a cacophony
of barking

a barge smooths by
along the canal
with a huge flag
almost as big
as the child waving

in the silence
or lack of it
in my consciousness
the birds take over
from the bells
as coot
and coot
and baby coots
flotilla along
the youngest
just keeping up

the cats
have given up


Posted on 06/13/2011
Copyright © 2024 Peter Humphreys

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 06/13/11 at 08:38 PM

The attention to form is so great. It gives a lot of room for some great word play and a style that only enhances the narrative. Great read.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 06/13/11 at 10:27 PM

...a gentle breeze brought this in; 'smooth' too cool and 'flotilla' along...smacko. good penstrokes.

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