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Single Yellow Line

by Johnny Crimson

Scrape my tongue and drag it against the groove
as the monsters return to their dens.

Salivate inside this tub
as the bath water clouds my judgement.

Later nights with nothing new.
I drive this stake into synthetic cemetery dirt.

Dead girls surround my porch
and I hide with the dog beneath the floor boards in fear.

The Germans smoke their cigarettes
and kick the can while I sneak past your guards.

I still dream your clothes to the floor
and there's nothing you can shower or scrub with to get me off you.


Posted on 05/26/2011
Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 05/26/11 at 10:13 AM

i really like the way you ended this great piece

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