
Evolution Stretch

by Alison McKenzie

And so, hesitation hangs
Heavy on a thin breeze -
Air lined with summer hints,
Cool regrets,
The promise of lilacs
And sugar snap peas.

My gypsy heart
Steals a glance -
Tomorrow's windows cloak
What the crystals wouldn’t say.

My feet tap, antsy.
My hair turns, ever so slightly
Toward a season
I do not wish to know.

The world revolves
In carousel circles,
Round and round
Until nausea flows;
The operator oblivious.

I want to read
Someone else’s thoughts about
Infinite possibilities,
Threads of reality
That knit me to sane
In all the colors
I know to be true.

My soul steps
Heavy in a body grounded,
Stretches to reach the sun,
Stretches to pull attachments taut,
Stretches to dream
On threadbare memories.

My fortune says
“You are the weaver”
But my subconscious insists
A constant litany of impossibilities
Upon which my hesitation hangs.


Posted on 04/30/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 04/30/11 at 10:06 PM

Sounds like a home stretch. Heh. Great stuff in that last stanza in particular.

Posted by A. Reed on 06/20/11 at 05:49 AM

I loved this completely. Fantastic imagery.

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