
My Meandering Mind

by Alison McKenzie

My dog woke me up at five,
Finally expelling the contents
Of his recently upset stomach
While I hurried to lead him off the carpet
And onto the linoleum.

I figured I was up,
I might as well log into my pc.
A friend of mine had posted
This amazing song
About never forgetting,
About this one love that would never be over…

And this is how my day started.

The skies disregarded the calendar
As the bus driver
Gave the finger to the speed limit.
Racing around corners
Like he was driving a Mazerati.
I very nearly offered to negotiate
The error of his thinking, but didn’t.
After all, this was his last day
Before the budget cuts
Deposited him in the unemployment cue,
And who was I to ruin it for him?

I was thinking about something I’d read,
The day just prior –
A healer who’d gotten a vision
About a 4ft black bird,
One that he’d managed to
Photograph for the record,
Remembering my own experience
With a similarly sized brown bird
Who just barely cleared my windshield
On Valentine’s Day 2007,
And I was wondering what it could all mean.

When I got to work,
Another vision I’d had
Suddenly wrenched itself free of the dead files -
Lord Jagannath had come,
Along with Nrsingadeva, to keep me safe
From some relationship I’d wandered into,
And how faithless I’d become of late –
Eating meat again and not chanting.

Luckily, my co-workers like my music,
But for now,
I have the office all to myself
While all the “regular” employees
Attend an All Staff meeting.

And it’s storming outside,
Cold and hard,
Like the arrival of some client
Scheduled for a much later appointment.


Author's Note: I know, all over the place - but a true story.

Posted on 03/30/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by E. A. Pugh on 03/30/11 at 05:37 PM

I have had a few of the same days.

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