Getting Old by Jeffrey ParrenSleeping on the couch
is getting old
like waiting on
yet somehow infantile
douche bags
who cannot make a decision
without a secretary nearby
is getting old.
The hopes and dreams
never panning out
or requiring more time
or working harder for less
is getting fucking old.
Getting old is
the 600+ poems
I have written
not being published
even when I do
put my name out there.
The hand holding
and who you know bullshit
is getting old.
I make connections
and they just happen
to be too drunk
to remember
the promises they made
since apparently a memory
is getting so old
that a movie
longer than 2 hours
is just too much.
My body is getting old.
A bum shoulder
unable to throw overhand
and a knee that cannot
pass 2 miles.
Credit card companies
shoveling more bullshit
than a fucking farmer
is getting
When did the truth
just vanish into thin air?
When did the American dream
exclude people
that could do better for America?
The day in and day out
of constant thinking
is getting real old.
I'm too old
for all this getting old,
and it's simply just begun. 03/08/2011 Posted on 03/08/2011 Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren