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3 day weekend

by Charlie Morgan

rivers walked by; lolling time in their aprons.
birds, sated-full to their hollow bones, flew lazily.
animals in the neighborhood mimed daily activities.
reports on the news went un-heard, un-heeded.

it was a dieing time; all knew it, felt it.
one leaf turns, a feather falls, a job is lost;
geologic-time moves not in human-time.

the tortoise-stone canyon and mountain
grow, change, become altered. all the while
mankind's stay is a 3 day weekend at Holiday Inn.
Sign says: NO SWIMMING. Pool closed for repairs.


Posted on 03/06/2011
Copyright © 2024 Charlie Morgan

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 03/06/11 at 11:41 PM

Tell it, Charlie. I think you are on a roll tonight. This, IMHO, is superb!

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 03/09/11 at 01:23 AM

Mixed images move by, symbolism mixed as well. Take it for what it is worth. 3 day weekends can move as slowly as some of nature (pool closed for repairs) or speed by if activites are fun and exciting.

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