
Time Asunder

by Alison McKenzie

The heady sensations of falling
Elude this late autumn twilight.
Sobriety has settled
Into brittle bones,
The lifeless magenta leaves
Trampled to crumbs
By the jumps and tumbles
Of the latest generations.

I wander in the haze
Of aches and western medicine,
Unreasonably teary
Under blustery skies.

A courier in the distance
Ushers an obscure message
Of doubt and delay –
Cries of unheeded warnings
That hell is on the way.

The nonsense of romance
Slips past clumsy fingers
In a noiseless decline,
The clutch-to-catch panic
Shushed on the tock,
The sparks of suicide
Lit to a disproportionate blaze.


Posted on 03/01/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Max Bouillet on 03/07/11 at 02:39 AM

Such strong images and feelings well up in the words and drown the page they are written on. The motion of the words makes me feel like I am falling. I hope there is a net.

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