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by Maria Massarella

in a synesthesia of colour and sound
kaleidoscopic emotions vibrate

variagated forms
boundless contours

parade a force of predominant reds
pulsing hearts restlessness

the plucked senses scale perceptions
find you in an intuitive breath

unveiling a concert of hues
that light musics my every sphere



Author's Note: on contemplating abstract art

Posted on 02/14/2011
Copyright © 2024 Maria Massarella

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 02/14/11 at 08:46 PM

Oh doesn't Valentine's Day bring out the emotions!!

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 02/16/11 at 01:09 AM

Extremely senuous. Seeing, hearing, touching all "vibrate" in this silently coloratura poem. (I would love to hear it sung by a lyric soprano.)

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