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Mental Terrorist

by Eric Seligmann

Her love was like a stealth bomber
Silent but deadly, never knowing when she will strike next
So I had to crawl through the shadow of love waiting for her assault

I know you arn't the one for me and I am not the one for you
So why do you have to call a jihad on everthing I do?
You drive your IED filled van into the buildings of all my plans

I heard the sounds of her bombs of lust dropping but she was nowhere in sight
The terror of the fright, I just might not live tonight
A sidewinder missile went right through my heart, I lay there in pieces falling apart

I know you arn't the one for me and I am not the one for you
So why do you have to call a jihad on everthing I do?
You drive your IED filled van into the buildings of all my plans
Why do I put up with your mental terrorism?
It is not use, I can't just get rid of you, what can I do?
But maybe, I just like the abuse

Then she dropped an atomic bomb of rejection and tore my world apart
Well, I got my purple broken heart and am emotional limp
Wherever I go, I walk through the battlefields of love

Boom boom, bang bang, just stay away
I just might grab old Russian AK
Rat a tat, at at at, back away from me
Think I might buy a new mental RPG
Or maybe some other kind of emotional WMDs

I know you arn't the one for me and I am not the one for you
So why do you have to call a jihad on everthing I do?
You drive your IED filled van into the buildings of all my plans
Why do I put up with your mental terrorism?
It is not use, I can't just get rid of you, what can I do?
But maybe, I just like the abuse
Maybe I just like the abuse
Maybe I just like the abuse


Author's Note: A song that started out as a joke and kinda got finished. It's a fun idea, I guess...

Posted on 02/10/2011
Copyright © 2025 Eric Seligmann

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 02/10/11 at 11:18 AM

...yeaaaa! groucho go figgur; e'ry time we include someone in our plans it gets messed-up.

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