

by Alison McKenzie

Deciding to live is different;
An intention to remain,
To see this through to its natural end
Rather than speeding toward oblivion
With a constant wish to be taken
To some other realm,
Any other plane
Where suffering is not my theme.

To draw my energy from a universal source
Rather than you,
Any of
Is different;
Determining a walk away from conflict
To gain my position
From another perspective.

Embrace the passion of service,
Give more than I receive,
Aid more than I destructively abet,
These intentions mold the new lands,
Where banana trees grow abundant
In their own environment.
I am found,
My soul salvaged.


Posted on 02/07/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by E. A. Pugh on 02/07/11 at 06:09 AM

Loving, the hope in your poem

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